Monday, August 31, 2020

What Is Aquaponics?


1 You will not have add very little water into the system. Aquaponics  is a closed looped system. The water used in this type of agriculture is recycled/ The water water from a fish tank is used to provide the plants in a grow tank and grow bed with nutrients that will make them thrive. The water is then sent back to the fish tank cleansed as the roots of the plants use up the waste in the water. The plants you grow in the hydroponics section of this aquaculture system clean the water for the fish in your fish tank.

The Main Components of an Aquaponics are Very Basic


The two main components are the aquaculture system and the hydroponics system are as follows.

The aquaponics system is basically the fish tank and the hydroponics system is the plant grow bed. Of course there are other components which are directly linked to both or just one of these two systems.

Another important component in the aquaponics system garden is a water pump. The water pump is responsible for circulating the water throughout the entire system. The toxic water from the fish tank must be consistently removed and made to flow into the hydroponics grow beds for the plants to be properly feed. This toxic water has to be removed from the fish tanks to stop the fish from being harmed. The water pump must also circulate the cleansed water back to the aquaculture system for the fish to thrive and be refreshed with oxygenated water.

The aquaponics system also requires bacteria to convert the ammonia produced by the fish into nitrates and then nitrites for the plants to use as food. The production of these bacteria is accomplished in a biofilter container. This component is a place for the bacteria to thrive. The biofilter container is located between the grow beds and fish tank.

Setting up these aquaculture systems components will require a certain degree of aquaponics how to. You can find this information on the internet. There are a number of excellent sites which offer excellent information. Some of the information will be free and some more specialized information will require payment.

If you live in a warm environment the best best to consider is the tilapia for your fish tank. In colder climates consider using trout.

As you  have learned Aquaponics is a hydroculture system which combines hyroponics with aquaculture. Aquaculture involves the rearing of various aquatic animals in a tank of water. The aquatic animals are often fish. The type of fish that are used in the aquaculture component of aquaponics, are commonly of the freshwater variety. These include tilapia, catfish, trout, perch, oscars, koi and goldfish.

CLICK HERE to learn more about this type of agriculture. Save time and money growing healthy food in your backyard.


There's no more weeding . The system removes your need for pain-staking and annoying weeding. You get more freedom and enjoyment!

No more fertilizing or soil cultivation. In fact, the whole process of nutrient delivery to your plants, which is absolutely critical, is almost completely automated. It works without you, that's the key of this system!

No more soil pests . The need for pesticides is eliminated , which makes it that much easier for you to have amazing plants and fruit without toxic chemicals.

It grows most plants twice as fast. Plant experts are shocked when they visit these farms at how fast plants grow. For example... lettuce, which takes 60+ days to mature, takes only about 29 days with this system.

You use up to 70% less Energy than conventional gardening!

Tilapia are often used in commercial aquapoinics, if the fish is to be of the edible variety. Tilapia are also commonly used in home based aquaponics systems as well. They thrive well in closed environments like that of an aquaculture system. These fish grow fast and reproduce quickly. They are also able to thrive in a high density fish environment like that which is required in aquaponics.

Fish such as oscars, koi and goldfish are also commonly used in home based aquaponics. They can be mixed together along with the tilapia. They thrive well together, sharing the same environment. These types of fish require the same food and same levels of oxygen in the water.

Catfish also do well in an aquaponics environment and are commonly used in the United States. Catfish, unlike tilapia, are able to survive in water that goes through changes in temperature. They can survive in both cold and warm water. Catfish are edible and grow fast.

Trout are also used in aquaponics, but these fish require water temperatures that are much cooler than the 20 to 25 degree celsius found in a tilapia fish tank. The temperature of the water needs to be 15 degrees celsius or colder. Trout need very clean water to thrive in.

Deciding which type of fish you should stock your fish tank with is an important step in creating a fully functional aquaponics system. Having access to an aquaponics system resource that can give advice in this area would be helpful.



Thursday, August 27, 2020

Aquaponics is a Great Way To Grow Food Without The Problems of Soil Based Agriculture

 Having an Aquaponics Garden Will Save You Time and Money When Compared To a Soil  Based Garden.

CLICK HERE to learn more

Most  plants  that we eat are grown in soil Many of these plants such as letttue or tomatoes need to get their nutrients from fertilizer. Fertilizer is used to add nutrients to the soil to help them grow better. Another type of farming is called hydroculture. 

Hydroculture involves growing plants in water. The roots of the plants get their nutrients from the water and a grow bed. Two types of hydroculture are hydroponics and aquaponics. To understand the difference between a hydroponics system and an aquaponics system we first must understand want each system is.

In a hydroponics system the plants are grown in water where the plant roots receive their nutrients.

The nutrients for the plants must be added as there is no source of nutrients created in the system itself. These nutrients come from the waste water created by the aquatic life in the fish tank.

The amount and type of nutrients can be controlled in this system depending on the variety of plants you are growing. This is a closed system with regards to the water, as it is reused. Because this a closed system no nutrient waste is put into the surrounding environment as in traditional agriculture.

A hydroponics system generally produces a higher yield and can be implemented where it is not possible to grow crops in the ground. However the cost of nutrients and fertilizer to support the growth of the crops in this system is high. This is because the production of the necessary nutrients and fertilizers requires a large amount of energy.

The aquaponics system also grows plants in water where the plant roots get there nutrients. However the aquaponics system used two systems. It combines a hydroponic system with an aquaculture system (fish and other water animals). The effleunts or waste produced by the fish accumulates and eventually makes the water to toxic. The water is therefore sent to the water in which the plants are growing. The plants in the hydroponic system filter out the toxic by-products and use them as nutrients. The clean water is led back into the aquaculture system. In this system the plants receive there nutrients from the fish and is a closed system. This reduces the cost of fertilization substantially when compared to a stand-alone hydroponics system.

Both systems recycle the water and thus reduce the need for water when compared to plants grown in the ground.

This type of growing food will allow you use very little water and give healthy plants without using costly chemicals and growing agents.

Because plants grown in an aquaponics system get there nutrients from an aquaculture system, not as much expensive fertilizer needs to be introduced into the hydroponics part of the system. 

However the aquatic animals which provide the nutrients needed grow food in water with a soil based grow bed..

Deciding which system you choose to use to grow plant requires understanding how both systems work.

Both have advantages and disadvantages. Either way you will get a higher yield of crop and generally have less impact on the environment.

Dear Gardener,

Imagine you knew a secret about growing plants in a break-through new way... to the outside world your organic garden or farm would seem almost "magic", Why? Because people almost never see you working in it!

While every one else works hard at planting, weeding...more weeding..., watering, fertilizing, composting,... and more and more weeding... You're gardening from the comfort of your hammock.

What's more... your plants grow twice as fast, and you can grow up to ten times more of them in the same area of space as your neighbors do. That means, if you're growing lettuce, and have 10 square feet of space... your method grows as much lettuce as someone would with 100 square feet of space!

If this sounds like a dream, you may be shocked to discover that farms and home gardens like this already exist... and you can do it too.

If you want to transform your gardening, and possibly even your life forever, get a cup of tea or coffee, sit down, and spend the next 5 minutes reading this short story, this will be the most important letter you read this year, here's why:

"Break-Through in Organic Plant Nutrition Leads To Shocking Results... "

In the past several years, researchers from the University of the Virgin Islands have discovered and experimented with a break-through new way of growing plants organically .

The process is revolutionary because with it your plants grow 100% to 50% faster, and you can grow up to TEN times the plants in the same amount of space. How does it work? Basically, it turns normal gardening on organic super-drive as it feeds rich ALIVE natural nutrients to your plants 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

In 2006-2007, the 'secret' slowly started to leak out and people started catching on... converting gardens and entire commercial farms to the system.

"4,000 Pounds of Organic Vegetables Per Month, With 1/10th The Space... The Gardening Revolution Begins!"

Best regards

Friday, August 21, 2020

Aquatic Animals That Are Commonly Used In Aquaponics

 Aquaponics is a hydroculture system which combines hyroponics with aquaculture.

 Aquaculture involves the rearing of various aquatic animals in a resevior of water. The aquatic animals are often fish. The type of fish that are used in the aquaculture component of aquaponics, are commonly of the freshwater variety.

These include tilapia, catfish, trout, perch, oscars, koi and goldfish.

Aquaponics is a type of hydroculture that uses the symbiotic relationship between the waste create by fish and the cleansing effect of the waste water used to grow plants such as vegetables.

Tilapia are often used in commercial aquapoinics, if the fish is to be of the edible variety. Tilapia are also commonly used in home based aquaponics systems as well. They thrive well in closed environments like that of an aquaculture system. These fish grow fast and reproduce quickly. They are also able to thrive in a high density fish environment like that which is required in aquaponics.

Fish such as oscars, koi and goldfish are also commonly used in home based aquaponics. They can be mixed together along with the tilapia. They thrive well together, sharing the same environment. These types of fish require the same food and same levels of oxygen in the water.

Catfish also do well in an aquaponics environment and are commonly used in the United States. Catfish, unlike tilapia, are able to survive in water that goes through changes in temperature. They can survive in both cold and warm water. Catfish are edible and grow fast.

Trout are also used in aquaponics, but these fish require water temperatures that are much cooler than the 20 to 25 degree celsius found in a tilapia fish tank. The temperature of the water needs to be 15 degrees celsius or colder. Trout need very clean water to thrive in.