Friday, August 21, 2020

Aquatic Animals That Are Commonly Used In Aquaponics

 Aquaponics is a hydroculture system which combines hyroponics with aquaculture.

 Aquaculture involves the rearing of various aquatic animals in a resevior of water. The aquatic animals are often fish. The type of fish that are used in the aquaculture component of aquaponics, are commonly of the freshwater variety.

These include tilapia, catfish, trout, perch, oscars, koi and goldfish.

Aquaponics is a type of hydroculture that uses the symbiotic relationship between the waste create by fish and the cleansing effect of the waste water used to grow plants such as vegetables.

Tilapia are often used in commercial aquapoinics, if the fish is to be of the edible variety. Tilapia are also commonly used in home based aquaponics systems as well. They thrive well in closed environments like that of an aquaculture system. These fish grow fast and reproduce quickly. They are also able to thrive in a high density fish environment like that which is required in aquaponics.

Fish such as oscars, koi and goldfish are also commonly used in home based aquaponics. They can be mixed together along with the tilapia. They thrive well together, sharing the same environment. These types of fish require the same food and same levels of oxygen in the water.

Catfish also do well in an aquaponics environment and are commonly used in the United States. Catfish, unlike tilapia, are able to survive in water that goes through changes in temperature. They can survive in both cold and warm water. Catfish are edible and grow fast.

Trout are also used in aquaponics, but these fish require water temperatures that are much cooler than the 20 to 25 degree celsius found in a tilapia fish tank. The temperature of the water needs to be 15 degrees celsius or colder. Trout need very clean water to thrive in.


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